Poverty Rate Statistics for Halifax County, NC

Quick Facts:
- As of July 1, 2017 Halifax County had a population of 53,233
- As of April 2017 the unemployment rate was 7.3%
- 26.3% of the population in Halifax County (13,660 estimated people) live below the poverty line, which is higher than the national average of 14.7%
- Children under 5 years living below the poverty level is 45.1%
- Females living below the poverty level is 27.6%
- Hispanic or Latino origin living below the poverty level is 36.5%
U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder - Overview
Specific Levels of Poverty Rates
Quick Facts:
- Persons with disability living less than 125% of the poverty level is 23.5%
- Female Household (no husband present) living less than 100% of the poverty level is 37.6%
- Population of 25 years and over that did not get a high school education living less than 100% of the poverty level is 44.0%
- Population between ages 16 and 64 that did not work living less than 100% of the poverty level is 46.3%
U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder - Specific Levels of Poverty Rates
Family Poverty Rates
Quick Facts:
- Families with related children under 18 years old living below poverty is 20.9%
- Families with a householder of Black or African American origin living below the poverty level is 30.4%
- Families whose Householder worked full-time, year-round in the past 12
months living below the poverty level is 6.6% - Families who rent living below the poverty level is 41.0%
U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder - Family Poverty Rates
Children Poverty Rates
Quick Facts:
- Children between 6 and 11 years old with a married couple household living below the poverty level is 29.3%
- Children in a one race, male only household living below the poverty level is 93.6%
- Families with their own child (biological, step or adopted) living below the poverty level is 83.8%
- Children 3 to 17 years old enrolled in public schools living below the poverty level is 91.3%
U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder - Children Poverty Rates
Poverty is an opportunity to provide an opportunity.
It’s an opportunity to kill the despair that eats away at hearts, minds, and self-esteem.
It’s an opportunity to free people from a life sentenced of dependence, scarcity, and marginalization.
Join us and let’s all take this opportunity to lift people out of Poverty!